+35 I'd rather my daughter was stranded alone in the woods with a man than a bear. amirite?

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

"Not all bears" lmao

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Another example of toxic ursulinity smh

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

That's not what omnivore means. It just means they eat plants and animals. People say a lot of stupid things when they don't really have to act on the decision. I bet if you took 100 people who said they'd rather their daughter be alone with a bear in the woods than with a man and really made them choose, a lot fewer than 100 would send their daughter off with a bear.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

The omnivore part threw me off lmaoo

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

If I get to choose, I would definitely rather be alone with a sour gummy bear

by Cautious_Ad_3046 2 weeks ago

Really depends. Is it a black bear? Or a bear that's hibernating? Is the man Ted Bundy? I pick the bear. Is it a friendly neighbor man and a grizzly bear? I pick the friendly neighbor man.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Yeah, that's where I go with this question. Which bear, which man.

by arichowe 2 weeks ago

All the information you get is man or bear. DECIDE!

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

At least it's not manbearpig

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Question: What kind of man is best?

by Visual-Vacation 2 weeks ago

random man and random bear

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

odds are more likely to be an aggressive bear than a serial killer anything remotely like ted bundy

by BoringPersonality313 2 weeks ago

sure, but you're much less likely to ever even encounter the bear. it's probly off fartin' around in some remote patch of willows. the man is probably on the trails. I'd probably still choose the man, but it is a little disconcerting to have to even think about it lol

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Nah, im not even going that far into it. AFAIK a bear is gonna sniff you out sooner than a man. So many what ifs and variations. All things even, ur gonna favor your own species over a bear

by BoringPersonality313 2 weeks ago

AFAIK a bear is gonna sniff you out sooner than a man. well, yeah, but most bears will sniff you out and then keep a wide berth. they don't typically want to be near humans if they can avoid it.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

That's the point, you don't have to think about it. You pick the man every time because we literally got out of the woods because of men...

by Overall_Shine 2 weeks ago

It's much more likely that a man will help her than hurt her. There's zero chance a bear will help her, and a pretty good chance it will hurt her.

by Raymundomccullo 2 weeks ago

If a bear and a shark had a fight, who would win?

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Depends where probably

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Black bears tend to be predatory when they attack. No thanks.

by Queasy-Helicopter-98 2 weeks ago

Black bears are big chickens. I live in the Rockies. I'd be WAY more scared seeing a moose than a black bear.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Black bears are usually quick to skedaddle. But not always. It's not hard to find documented stories of black bears eating people. Last year a guy was attacked and partially eaten by a bear in his yard. When they do attack humans, the attacks tend to be predatory. Read up on the Liard River Hot springs incident (black bear mauled and killed multiple adults), Mt Timpanagos (black bear ripped open a tent, dragged away a sleeping child, and partially ate him- had tried doing that to an adult days earlier), the other Utah attack ~15 years before Timpanagos (black bear broke a camper window and drug a 9 year old girl in her sleeping bag out and attempted to eat her). I would also be more concerned coming across a moose than a black bear.

by Queasy-Helicopter-98 2 weeks ago

If you were to be given a bear at random or a man at random, the bear will try to kill you every time. The same cannot be said about a random man.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

bears don't always try and kill people so thats inaccurate

by More-Holiday 2 weeks ago

I mean I'd pick the man over the bear, but that is far from accurate. Black bears are generally afraid of people. Most animals don't consider us prey and would only attack if they were starving, cornered, or trying to protect their young.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

If you encounter a random man in the woods you have at least a 50/50 chance he won't try to eat you.

by Savings-Hair4507 2 weeks ago

You assume the man is a gamble as well as the bear. Overall it is just asking if men or bears are safer in general

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Which is a silly question.

by IcyDrag 2 weeks ago

It's random you don't know. Like rolling the dice. Picking the bear is gambling. Picking the man is choosing to drive to work. You might have an accident., but you probably wont.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

that's the catch, you get random man and random bear you know nothing about. ofc it's easy to say "depends" when you know initial characteristics)

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

That's not what omnivore means.

by Bulky-Education 2 weeks ago

The people saying about how the numbers are different need to understand that you don't see a bear every day. If people saw the same amount of bears as they say men then the numbers would be way higher.

by Duncan68 2 weeks ago

Agree, also I think it depends how close the bear is to you. If bear within five feet, bear will probably attack you, but If far enough away bear probably won't attack you.

by edna67 2 weeks ago

Yep. Many have experienced danger from men, but not from bears. It probably just seems more likely to come from a man rather than a bear based on this experience alone. That it's not the entire truth is undeniable, but it most likely just feels that way to many.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

yeah thats why even using past experiences to answer this question is absurd

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

All the Dads choosing the bear for their daughters are the same men who will get offended if you choose the bear over them.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

everything you said is correct but if you had to choose to be stranded with a random man or a random bear, the idea of choosing a bear is ridiculous

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Yeah, no. No sane person is thinking a random man is more dangerous than a random bear.

by Providencitreut 2 weeks ago

It isn't ridiculous, it's just stupid.

by Overall_Shine 2 weeks ago

I mean if we're just talking "in the woods," you're unlikely to even encounter the bear. they don't typically like to be around people. you're way more likely to encounter the man, which starts to skew the risk calculus a little

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

the question literally says stranded with something/someone

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

well. not exactly. bear maulings can be pretty drawn-out attacks. like, eat you alive with some smoke breaks in the middle drawn out. not refuting your overall answer, just the "quickness" bit lol

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

serious misunderstanding of how bears kill their prey lmao

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

There's a 50/50 chance the bear eats you alive though. They're not efficient killers and they don't care if you're alive or not

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Yea like honestly I think this is the main reason I'd choose a bear. Like men have assaulted and attempted to assault, groped, harassed, and threatened me before. A bear'll never do any of that Hell I'm from an area with a heavy bear population and there's only been 1 reported case of someone even being injured by them

by Status_Coat 2 weeks ago

I've seen bears in the wild. They aren't all that aggressive to people unless they are protecting something or near starvation. I've also seen humans. Yeah, humans suck.

by Eladioziemann 2 weeks ago

One of the most common being that men are statistically more dangerous, which isn't the case if you equalise the difference in frequency of encounters between the two. There are also billions of people out there and half of them are male. How many bears are there? People in general don't run across bears because we killed a great deal of them with urban expansion, and the ones that are left live more secluded. So you'd have to actually consider the number of attacks per number of bears. Same thing with men, number of attacks per number of men. Not necessary to do the math to conclude that they are still more violent than bears. Men who hurt women and who hurt men and who hurt animals are an undeniably larger number than bears who hurt people.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

You're not considering the logical requirements of the situation. You have 1 bear and 1 man. In order to accurately determine which is statistically more dangerous to a woman you would have to: Take a specific amount of bears. Take an equal amount of men. Expose a woman to being alone with a bear. Record results. Repeat. Expose a woman to being alone with a man. Record results. Repeat. Repeat until you have recorded results for the total number of bears/men. Compare the two figures. The larger the number of men/bears used, the greater the accuracy. As this isn't ethical and quite difficult to achieve, the primary options you're left with are: Use an equation to increase the frequency of encounters of bears to the same level as men and determine the total number of attacks for each. Use an equation to decrease the frequency of encounters of men to the same level as bears and determine the total number of attacks for each. The probable result is that the number of bear attacks will be greater, when given no other context.

by vicente23 2 weeks ago

Depressing stuff. Not understanding the most basic statistical analysis is alarming.

by cdaugherty 2 weeks ago

If men are choosing the bear over the man they are just self-snitching.

by SubjectGold4677 2 weeks ago

There's a lot of stupid people online especially Tik Tok. Not really surprising

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

It's not much of a gamble, 99% of men are just normal people trying to live their lives.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

yeah but the possibility of death by bear is so much higher than by man it's insane to pick bear

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

if it came down to it, I would be more confident in my ability to fight off a man than a bear. especially if I had any sort of weapon, like a knife or gun.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

how can you look at a clip like this and say "yeah, I would prefer fighting something even more dangerous than that over fighting a guy" That's the point - we know how dangerous bears are, and we still pick them. You guys are underestimating your fellow men.

by Humble_Equivalent 2 weeks ago

Nobody's been asking the REAL question: What if there's a man riding on a bear? 🤔

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

…bears are omnivores

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

"Omnivore" not herbivore. It can eat you but it most like isnt the reason it wants to attack/kill you. Men are extremely dangerous to women statistically but… i would have different answers depending on what kind of bear.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

88% of fatal black bear attacks reviewed in the linked study were found to be predatory (ie the bear wanted to eat the person).

by Queasy-Helicopter-98 2 weeks ago

dangerous statistically? that is some horsedung. Despite spending most of our lives together, it rarely ends up in bloodshed. SOOOOOOO small

by BoringPersonality313 2 weeks ago

So, here's my feeling about it: I've never been hurt by a bear. I've lived in the country, I've seen bears, and they've never been threatening in the least. I have been hurt by men. All the women I know have been hurt by men but not by bears. I'm not scared of either, in the woods or otherwise, but my past experience would have me more suspicious of men than of bears.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

OK but you've had maybe 3-5 experiences in life with a bear and thousands (if not tens of thousand) experiences with men. If you had a similar number of experiences with bears, you'd most likely have had a few that went poorly.

by cdaugherty 2 weeks ago

Yeah I get that, but it doesn't change that I'm more wary of things that have actually been scary and harmful in my life, than of the concept of a wild animal in its natural habitat. It's a learned experience kind of thing.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

If your learned experience is saying an apex predator you've only encountered half a dozen or so times is less dangerous than another person of the same species you probably encounter dozens of times per day you have a serious lack of cognitive ability.

by Isaac30 2 weeks ago

Well, an apex predator I rarely encounter IS less dangerous to me than humans I encounter every day, because I encounter the latter every day. The odds of a bear ever hurting me are so extremely low that I have not developed any sense of caution or fear of the idea. But - "which is more dangerous" isn't the question. It's "which would I rather be near me in the woods." What I'm explaining is why so many people's reaction is to say "bear." It's not because they'd rather take a bear in a fight than pass by another hiker, it's because they're not scared of bears because there's no reason to be scared of bears in our average day to day (for the average city dweller) but we've all learned to be wary of strange men. So if you give us a hypothetical situation where we're vulnerable and alone and introduce a male figure ominously "near us," that's going to trigger a response that the idea of a bear in the woods just doesn't.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Mmm, then you have not encountered a bear in the woods lmao. That triggers something you did not realize was there. Trust me.

by cdaugherty 2 weeks ago

I have, I used to live in the deep boonies. They've always just run off. Never super close to me or anything, and just black bears. I'd probably feel differently up close with a grizzly!

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Yeah black bears aren't too bad but again, you're at the mercy of their primal instincts. I'm just saying, if the hairs on your arms were standing straight up then I'm sorry, that's a natural instinct that I don't think you get when seeing a random dude.

by cdaugherty 2 weeks ago

Same except the closest was when a mother with cubs went within 10 feet of me. Just walked by, didn't growl or show agression or anything And even then bear attacks are unheard of here

by Status_Coat 2 weeks ago

That triggers something you did not realize was there. Trust me. I mean, be a woman alone in the woods with a man you don't know following you. That's why there are many horror movies where that happens and maybe one where a bear follows you, that movie with DiCrappio.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

By the same logic, you can use any experience you've never had. "Would you rather be alone in the woods with a man, or take a bath in lava?" "Well, I've been hurt by men before, and I've never bathed in lava, so I'm gonna go with the lava."

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

I suspect you're more tense being near a bear than a man. Bear five feet away vs man five feet away? The bear is a much greater threat. You have men much closer to you at all times than you do bears, and yet you feel safe, don't you? If my neighbor was a wild bear, I'd be afraid to put my trash out in the morning.

by Zdicki 2 weeks ago

Past experiences don't matter when you're getting mauled by a bear.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

I mean how many of these people are up close and personal with bears. I have seen bears before too, but I've never been in an area alone with a bear that are a few inches away from me.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

No but they matter for how I'm going to answer a hypothetical question.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Always have been

by ScalePlayful 2 weeks ago

OP completely missed the point and went for troll bait instead.

by Gerholdsantina 2 weeks ago

Women aren't picking bears because they think they'll survive. They pick bears because they are afraid of what a man will do to them. At least a bear will only kill you and that's it.

by Faheybria 2 weeks ago

Bears have some of the most brutal killing methods of all animals. They don't go for a clean kill, they'll just disembowel you or rip your skin apart and eat you alive slowly. Of all the ways to die the bear is genuinely pretty high on the list of worst ones.

by Isaac30 2 weeks ago

When Werner Herzog made Grizzly Man, he was one of the few people who ever heard the tape of Treadwell and his girlfriend being eaten by bears. He was like "That's the worst thing I've ever heard".

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Still better than being held captive & tortured for 40 days and then lit on fire when you're no longer attractive to your kidnapper to be fair. A bear will just murder you. Even if it's a brutal murder, bears don't record it and send it to their friends. Bears don't call their buddies over to take turns on you. Bears don't let you believe you can go home if you cooperate only to snatch that away. It's not hard to understand why people would prefer death by bear to death by man.

by Small_Librarian 2 weeks ago

They wouldn't genuinely pick the bear, they say it to make a point. It's so disingenuous.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

yea this should be re worded to like "cave man" or uncivilized man from island. comparing this to a normal civilized man from 2024 is WILD

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

There is a mix of ignorance, self-centeredness, and hysteria driving these answers. Wild that women think most men would even care they were there in the first place. 😂

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

I have a bear phobia so, I guess I choose a man. The odds of me being able to actually cause harm to an unarmed man by knocking their head in with a rock are bigger and you can play along with or trick a human. Bears don't work like that.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Bear phobia? What are on about? Bears are scary it would be more irrational not to be afraid of them.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

I've got this weird phobia where I'm afraid of being completely consumed by flames. Strange, I know.

by ScalePlayful 2 weeks ago

Isn't this whole choosing the bear thing misandrist? I mean, you're basing your bad experiences with someone of a certain sex and applying your suspicions on all of them. Ain't any different from being racist because you got stabbed by a black dude, lol

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Its dumb and none of them would really pick a bear over a man if forced to. It's said to make a 'point'. It's disingenuous trash. Every single one of them if face to face with a bear would crap their pants and pick the man.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Oh no us men are so oppressed, if you truly feel like this is misandry you're off you're rocker and missing the point. It's about how unsafe people feel around men due to our grossly high amount of violent crimes we commit, particularly against women and young girls. Everyone in the world would choose the safety of their child over your feelings, there's no reason you should be upset unless you're part of the problem

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

I've tried explaining this point before and I feel like a lot of men just won't get it because they want to focus on how ferocious the bear is but not how sick and twisted the man could possibly be as well. Also people go hiking every day and to national parks. This scenario has already played out dozens of times and the women statistically are less fortunate.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

No it's reasonable to be upset when as a normal person you are lumped in with a group like that. And yes it is misandry. The small amount of men who do horrible things has started to define men as a whole and that's a problem.

by Mundane_Doctor4082 2 weeks ago

"You're not here for the hunting are you."

by Savings-Hair4507 2 weeks ago

That's not what omnivore means lol

by quincyfeest 2 weeks ago

You get that this question is about more than man/bear. And it's not something guys should be weighing in on.

by Usual-Today 2 weeks ago

No one is considering how the kid may get home. If a kid is stranded in the woods, the kid at least has chance the man would take them to safety. The bear might not attack but how is the kid gonna get to safety.

by edna67 2 weeks ago

I can't believe there's arguing and genuine discussion over this obvious answer choice 💀

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Feels like this says a lot about the men choosing a bear!!

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

We can arrange that if you like.

by elisahaley 2 weeks ago

All of those same things can be said about men.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

I don't think you're supposed to take the bear answers seriously. The answer is obvious to anyone who thinks about it for 2 seconds; these people are just using the question to "make a point", they're not actually thinking about it.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Yeah 100% this. It's a bad faith answer to make a point. The odds in this situation of the man and you working together to survive are close to 100%. Even if he was a psycho, (some ridiculously low chance). He would still want to survive and would see that working together would increase those odds.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

The difference between the bear and the man? People will believe me when I claim I was attacked by a bear.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Sad that this is unpopular. Misandry is just as bad as misogyny. Sure, there are dangerous men out there, but acting like you should just be afraid of all men is straight up bigotry.

by Ckris 2 weeks ago

Sure, there are dangerous men out there Dude. Which men? That's the problem. No one is saying that all men are dangerous - but since you don't know which men are, it's better to be cautious and keep yourself safe.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Some men are dangerous vs all bears are dangerous. You'd still pick the bears? This would convince me you lack a sense of logic.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Being cautious doesn't involve avoiding all men. Men are 50 percent of the population. Most people aren't randomly attacking others.

by Ckris 2 weeks ago

It means keeping yourself safe. Not ending up alone with strange men, not giving out personal info unless you truly know and trust a person, having backup plans in place if things start to get hinky.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Nobody said you should hand out personal information, but if you literally can't handle being alone with someone just because they are a guy and would take a bear instead, you've got issues. I'm a woman, and I have never once feared someone just for being a man, alone or any other time.

by Ckris 2 weeks ago

Replace men with any other group of people. Now you are a bigot and/or racist.

by Eschneider 2 weeks ago

I mean, you're technically not correct, but: "Would you rather be alone in the woods with a bear or a jew?" Certainly has a questionable ring to it. 🤔

by vicente23 2 weeks ago

‘I've never been hurt by a bear"… Haha this is wild. I'd really like to hear from these women picking the bear. Are we talking strictly friendly bears? I mean, it's truly a gamble taking a bear over a man.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Why do people assume the man would be a pedo or something? Idk I'd just hang out with him, much better chances of getting rescued with two people gathering supplies and food, and building shelter.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

nah, and yk it's a red flag when dads (who are men) would rather pick a BEAR being in the woods w their daughter rather than a man, knowing how men are 🥴

by Same-Heron-9008 2 weeks ago

They say it to make a point and wave a flag. They wouldn't really pick a bear. Nobody is that stupid.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Any rational person would say the same.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

As a bear, I feel offended by your opinion.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Most intellectual twitter conversation

by Rogelio40 2 weeks ago


by Vpowlowski 2 weeks ago

Agreed, she can fight a man, not a bear

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Feel like it would work better with a gorilla.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Since when does "omnivore" mean "eating things alive". The majority of humans are omnivores 🤨

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

I'd rather my daughter be stuck in the woods with a bear because that'll be good for my views.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

The question is just a gotcha to expose crazed feminist brainrot.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Depends on the bear. Even then. As a guy, and seeing how a lot of my guys out there really are assholes… Girl is probably still better off with the bears.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago