-22 We should not look for aliens - if a forest is quiet, it means there's a predator, amirite?

by AbbreviationsFit9322 2 weeks ago

That premise would make a great Lovecraftian horror movie or book, but it probably doesn't stand up to scrutiny in reality.

by AggravatingDoor 2 weeks ago

That only works if the places you expand to are not part of a technologically advanced society which could then fight back

by Dapper_Nectarine2259 2 weeks ago

To be fair to DF, it does have a few safeguards to this scrutiny. The idea is not that you can't expand your species, it's just that you can't be loud about it. If you are irresponsible with your noisemaking, those who hear you can make one of two assumptions: you can afford to be loud, or you can't. Trying to kill you swiftly for being loud safeguards against the chance that you could kill my civilization if you found me - after all, I was able to find you. Moreover, it doesn't matter if you're only 1 of 10 human intergalactic civilizations to be loud, you are being targeted because you were loud, as a separated case. Maybe I misunderstand your point a bit, as you're probably already familiar with Dark Forest. I'd love to know more of what your perspective is if I have you misconstrued.

by eparisian 2 weeks ago

It is the premise of Three Body Problem.

by Rare_Chicken 2 weeks ago

The netflix show is based on 3 books, the first season being mostly based on book 1 but book 2 and 3 go more into this

by tlind 2 weeks ago

It's a ten year old story

by bernierkeegan 2 weeks ago

It's not really spoiling anything I promise. It's worth noting that book 2 is literally called "The dark forest" and it's like 15 years old at this point

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

That was a really nice way of saying fun idea but it's actually dumb haha

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Absolutely and I believe there are a few creepypasta horror stories on it too.

by Competitive-Ice9234 2 weeks ago

For real! I was thinking that too!

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

It's late for that, we've shot radio waves and space junk into orbit for more than half a century now. If something's out there, it knows we're here and is doing us a favor by letting us alone. Think of the Earth as the Sentinel Island of the cosmos.

by Pretty-Climate 2 weeks ago

There's also SETI, Viking one and two, gamma waves from the thousands of nuclear bombs that have been tested. If an advanced civilization exists elsewhere in the galaxy, they know exactly where to find the likes of us.

by Pretty-Climate 2 weeks ago

The fastest anything can travel is light speed. The absolute maximum the first radio broadcast could have traveled is 129 light years. The rough width of the galaxy is around 100,000 light years. Also SETI is listening for radio broadcasts.

by goyetteesmerald 2 weeks ago

The fastest anything can travel is light speed. False, there's still Ludacris speed

by Altruistic-Bet8203 2 weeks ago

The Milky Way is way too large for you to comprehend, it's about 100,000 light years across, and 1000 light years thick. We've been transmitting signals for about 100 years. We sit near the edge of the galaxy, so I'm just going to assume we are at that edge and in the middle to simplify. Our signals haven't made it 1/1000 across the galaxy, or 1/5 of the thickness of the galaxy. This is also not even accounting for the decay of the signal. You can't pick up a TV signal from too far away ON EARTH, let alone light years away. Double that distance and the signal is a quarter of the strength, three times? a ninth. 9.5x1012 ? It's just going to blend into the background radiation. Space junk is still all in our solar system, even Voyager, the furthest craft we have sent, hasn't left.

by rodricksteuber 2 weeks ago

That's not really the point I'm trying to make. Any civilization sufficiently advanced is going to find us before we find them, is what I'm saying. Whatever noise we're making is just besides the point.

by Pretty-Climate 2 weeks ago

Light speed is a constant. Alien signals can't break it any more than we can (as far as we know) and our radio signals have barely covered a tiny fraction of our own massive galaxy. Unless they are really close they haven't received anything to know we're here.

by RewardIcy 2 weeks ago

We have no idea if other civilizations would have the ability to pick up our radio signals. We also have no idea if they would actually find us before we find them. These are just ideas based on how we humans might think and act.

by Complex_Ad1812 2 weeks ago

Right, but generally speaking it's the more advanced civilizations who "discover" the other first.

by Pretty-Climate 2 weeks ago

Yet scientists/Navy did a close up survey and noticed they referred to coconuts in Hindi, meaning they know trespassers. Wonder if our sky navy will demand an explanation why "sigma grindset" is showing up in our cloud.

by Larkinisom 2 weeks ago

Yeah, there's no going back since we invented the radio

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

The most likely scenario is that were millions of intelligent species, but faster than light travel is impossible no matter how technologically advanced a species becomes. We're all confined to our own little corner of the universe and won't ever meet.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

If FTL travel is not possible, the chances of two species ever meeting are infinitesimally small. We could potentially know that other civilizations are out there at some point, by detecting evidence of them. Communication would be nothing more than messages passed back and forth that would take many years each way. It could be hundreds of years of "communication" back and forth before we could even understand each other. Travelling is impossible without huge increases in material technology, that we don't even know are possible.

by Brionna03 2 weeks ago

I like to think FTL travel is possible, I hope one day that humanity gets to spread out across the stars.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

I agree. Just because FTL is impossible according to our current understanding of science and physics, doesn't mean that it will always be impossible. 200 years ago things like the Internet, Cellphones, and Airplanes would have been considered impossible. Who knows what we could have 200 years from now.

by floridastokes 2 weeks ago

Although, honestly. I wonder, will we ever actually find life, we are the sole example we have of life. It might be insanely rare in nature for something to involve to our intelligence level. I either think humanity is the first among many or that we are alone. I think being alone is the scariest, a universe so large, wide, and diverse, humanity looks for another race, anything intelligent that isn't them selves. The only thing we ever find is just cosmic background radiation, lifeless rocks, and empty planets.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

I don't think any of those things were considered theoretically impossible 200 years ago like FTL travel is today.

by RewardIcy 2 weeks ago


by Reicheldedric 2 weeks ago

If FTL travel is not possible, the chances of two species ever meeting are infinitesimally small. I feel like it's possible enough that 2 species are close enough somewhere in the universe, that they've been able to meet

by Altruistic-Bet8203 2 weeks ago

Also a chance that life, and especially intelligent life is just much rarer than we realize, given that a self-replicating organism needs to be randomly assembled in one go for it even to begin. Multiply that by the fact that out of all the billions of species to exist on earth, none of them even come close to being as intelligent as mankind, which showed up incredibly recently after 5/6 mass extinction events and 3.7 billion years of evolution, when the Big Bang happened only 14 billion years ago. There is absolutely a case to be made that the odds of developing intelligent life, capable of mastering the world, may very well be greater than the sum of all potential life bearing planets.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

What about long-term statis?

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

I was never a big believer in this for a long time, but having seen the way humanity behaves over the last couple of decades it's become clear to me that self-annihilation is honestly a pretty likely answer to the fermi paradox. A creature would need to be a lot more intelligent than humans as a group to avoid it.

by Puzzleheaded_Gur 2 weeks ago

The decades before those were even worse so not sure why you had that idea. You're living in the most peaceful time in human history.

by RewardIcy 2 weeks ago

Don't even need nukes, a large enough impact from one of the millions of giant rocks hurtling around out there will eventually do it. We've got all our eggs in this one basket so for the time being humanity is extremely fragile.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

I would find this hard to believe personally. While there is no physical law preventing such disasters, my own intuition suggests that once a series of events, in this case the human race, is set in motion that it will expand exponentially for infinity. There's obviously no way to prove this, and many observations to the contrary (e.g., behavioral sink).

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

or because we're the first one we just dont konw

by Suitable_Chip 2 weeks ago

Maybe we are a primitive society that's all that's left of a bunch of species that fought for the galaxy…

by maude69 2 weeks ago

If you buy into it, there are people who say they have an undersea factory on Earth to build the UFOs we observe. And that said aliens are very interested in our nuclear capabilities, and have the ability to disable our nuclear weapons at will. I will admit the theories can be fun to think about. What if they deactivated the nukes midair and showed up in a dramatic fashion, like in Mars Attacks? And we get some ray guns and alien dogs? I'm down.

by Dangerous-Store6729 2 weeks ago

Or we are among the first ones and no one would compete with us. Or it is simply impossible to do FTL travel and everyone is stuck on their home planet forever...

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

I prefer to think we're just the first

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Is it just me or is that like the best case scenario? If there's no one else, that means the entire universe is ours to do with as we wish. The possibilities are endless.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Or we're the first.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

I've always found mesmerizing how most people and Sci fi tends to paint humans as the "inferior species". Like, for all we know, there's life somewhere, they're just dumber than us.

by Plenty_Bat_8275 2 weeks ago

It's just a lot more interesting for aliens to be more advanced than us so that's usually how Sci fi goes

by ContributionThick 2 weeks ago

If the aliens have come to earth its safe to assume they are more advanced than us.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

I think sci-fi does it that way because we can't get to their planets with our tech and a dumb species couldn't get to us.

by RewardIcy 2 weeks ago

We all know what happens when a more advanced civilization comes in contact with a less advanced civilization. I second your opinion that maybe we should keep a low profile.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

We ABSOLUTELY should have a watchout and look for any signs but lighting a beacon for everyone to see seems a very dumb idea.

by AbbreviationsFit9322 2 weeks ago

here's my take on it though... if an alien species was able to decipher our messages and had the advanced technology to travel faster than light, I would surmise they have basically a near infinite amount of energy and resources to do basically whatever they want, which means they would have no incentive to come here and what, take our resources? our material possessions? fight us on some moral or religious ground? borders? land??? any of the stupid things humans kill each other for? they could literally go anywhere! if they had the capability of traveling at that speed and have that much energy, i would assume they would be able to mine resources closer to them and terraform other planets if their desire is a suitable environment to live in, even assuming our planet would be habitable for them anyway and assuming the biosphere wouldn't be harmful to them. the only reason i would see aliens of that highly advanced level coming here is curiosity and that life is extremely rare. i doubt aliens of that advanced level of intelligence have the obsession of sadism that some people are presuming, and if they do have an obsession with torturing other species, why search the whole galaxy to seek it out?? dont they have specialized VR sets for that or something? seems like an awfully long way to come to menace other lifeforms. we can't assume these highly advanced aliens have ANYTHING like the desires humans do, with our comparatively primitive technologies, economies, and resource management. if they have near-infinite resources and energy, they would have no need to "take over" our planet or enslave us - their economic system would likely be nothing like ours... i don't find the argument convincing at all... i think a bigger threat of extraterrestrial life would maybe be organisms on a meteor or something, hitting earth and then developing into something that could mingle with and interfere with our ecosystems. but still pretty unlikely!

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

I think the only other intelligent life is the universe itself & it is experiencing life through our consciousness

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Most scientists agree with you I believe

by PoetryAsleep 2 weeks ago

How so?

by kayvonrueden 2 weeks ago


by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Inverse square law, the vast majority of radio waves will be way too dispersed at this point

by kayvonrueden 2 weeks ago

Thank you

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

I'm convinced aliens see the planet and drive past. Have you seen the space junk? I always say it reminds me of Pigpen from Charlie Brown. I imagine the aliens driving past and being like, "That place GHETTO" between all the trash and the constant fighting. 🤣

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Eh, it's more like space is a massive void of radiation, dust, and random rocks flying around at speeds that'll annihilate spacecraft. Space is already the predator. Just a passive one, like a desert, but far, far more hostile to life.

by AlternativeGood7670 2 weeks ago

I don't know.... earth's looking pretty bleak. I'd like to try my hand at banging a Turian.

by Alert-Space 2 weeks ago

I hear they're flexible 👀

by Business-Gain 2 weeks ago

Not all of them. Some have reach.

by Realistic-Writing 2 weeks ago

C'mon, Quarians are far more bangable.

by phoeger 2 weeks ago

When you think about how life on earth is a predator-prey relationship, maybe that's a fundamental part of biological life and it's like this on other planets hosting life itself.

by Muted_Ad_5759 2 weeks ago

At the same time there are many animals that don't fall into either the predator or prey category. Maybe it's the almost untouchable creatures like elephants that don't suffer the stresses and pressures of being predator or prey that most commonly are able to create advanced civilization and not destroy themselves in the process. Maybe the universe is super friendly and we are the predatory aberration.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Elephant families do fight each other for resources and as all animals they do fight each other for mating rights.

by AbbreviationsFit9322 2 weeks ago

True, didn't think about that.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

If we could advance beyond conquest what would that do to the aliens (as if you're using us an example why not assume it's so much parallel-atrocity that if one of their ships landed here they'd treat us like whatever historical voyage on Earth their trip most resembled otherwise treat its respective natives)

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

I can't know what we would do if we surpassed the unending desire for more. That is a truly alien concept. If we did, we would either have to be powerful beyond reproach, or we would be taken over by any alien who found us.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

We don't need to supress our desire for more. Just the desire for more than "he has" i human nature doesnt allow it but i suppose some civilisation that found out working for greater good is the better choice is far fetched but not impossible.

by Virtual-Campaign-594 2 weeks ago

It's definitely not safe to assume that at all, life is very easy but intelligent life is impossibly hard. We wouldn't be intelligent without the earth being hit by meteors for example. Imagine the great filter x10¹⁰⁰

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Do you mean sonically quiet because uhhh there are no sounds in space. I don't think we're like actively looking for aliens in the context of like a scifi movie.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

We have been blasting signals into deep space for about 70 years now. It is generally frowned upon in the scientific community but some people do do it. The Spaniards sent a mixtape at Luyten back in 2017

by AbbreviationsFit9322 2 weeks ago

It is generally frowned upon in the scientific community but some people do do it what? source?

by Robertahansen 2 weeks ago

It's not « frowned upon » in the scientific community to blast signals into space. We do it literally every single day, at every single second

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Well, 70 years is a comically short period of time, cosmically speaking.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Our galaxy is around 100,000 lightyears across, 140 lightyears is a tiny percentage of this plus the way radio waves dissipate mean it'll be very very very sparse even just one lightyear out

by kayvonrueden 2 weeks ago

Someone just found out about the dark forest theory and thinks he is so smart

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

There's probably a predator in the cosmos There's a bunch, it's called the Catholic

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Who is that?

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Or it could just be that there is a small window during a civilizations progress that they have the technology to send out signals that we could intercept. Advanced civilizations might have communication technology that we have no way of receiving.

by Legitimate-Field 2 weeks ago

i saw a damn alien in my backyard so yeah

by ConceptTurbulent4504 2 weeks ago

We need elaboration!

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

never mind it was my gardener. false alarm guys.

by ConceptTurbulent4504 2 weeks ago

Wtf there's no trees in space. Duh.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

The universe is quite because 99.99999% of the universe is nothing. And for the planets that exist there is probably around a 0.0000000000000001% chance that there is life on it. And then this life also needs to be close enough and smart enough so that it can communicate with us. Most people just underestimate how empty the universe is.

by Far-Rub 2 weeks ago

A forest isn't a Galaxy.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Maybe we're the predator or at least a species to be avoided

by Frederickgleaso 2 weeks ago

If a species was able to go to other stars, they'd already know what planets are likely to have life and will already be heading there before said species can "call out". All calling out does is let other species know we are not necessarily out to destroy them. None of our signals will reach any where in anyone we'll ever meets lifetime. They're still hundreds if not thousands of years away from reaching even the first star, much less the first inha inhabitable planet.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Yo! How have you not realized that we are the predator?!

by Competitive_Flan3328 2 weeks ago

The idea aliens want to kill us is unlikely, you know all those movies where aliens attack for our resources, it's all bs if you can travel light years but can't mine a gas giant.

by meagan57 2 weeks ago

Or the fact that there's aliens making a LOT of noise but it's so far away that the noise will never reach us.

by Ycronin 2 weeks ago

This assumes a forest when in reality each tree is so far apart it would take a thousand lifetimes to reach the next. You assume the birds have become quiet when in reality, their songs span such vast distances and measures of time that our own feeble minds cannot comprehend it. Even with a thousand years and the full dedication of our race and every resource to seeking out life, the task is all but impossible. The only logical solution would be an armada of infinitely self replicating probes. The fact we have not yet encountered such a probe speaks to either the infinitesimally insignificant amount of space we have explored or how incredibly rare the phenomenon of intelligent life is.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Maybe we're the predators, and that's why they're all avoiding us. They watched us for a while, saw what we did to each other and our own world, and decided the interstellar community was better off without us.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

If a forest is quiet in certain parts of the world it can also mean there's nothing there…

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Space is too large for us to even make a difference. Communication with voyager 1 is sketchy. Deep space radio signals we _do_ receive are from objects as massive as stars. Pulsars, quasars etc.

by Warm-Classroom-467 2 weeks ago

If there's a predator that's more reason to look for it instead of just pretending it doesn't exist.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Humanity is the predator. Why else would we be looking for life on other planets?

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Maybe we are the predators. I mean if anything seen our broadcast it's either we murder the aliens or mate with them. And I'm sure they want neither.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Nah, that's just a vacuum

by framiabdiel 2 weeks ago

It's the Fermi Paradox pushed to extreme. If there's life, where is everyone? Maybe they are hiding and we are the only idiots who don't know that we should hide too

by maude69 2 weeks ago

Or if the forest is quiet, it might mean that there's no life there.

by ContributionThick 2 weeks ago

If the cosmic phone rings, should we pick up? I think not. But wouldn't that be the hardest thing to do...?

by Pfannerstillcon 2 weeks ago

The amount of evolution and intellect needed to defy probability and allow a species to develop effective ways of communicating let alone travel across entire star systems is more than a reasonable answer for me.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Or there is nothing at all...

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Classic existential crisis moment.

by Major_Development_90 2 weeks ago

Someone read Three Body Problem lol

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Just read The Three Body Problem?

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Some things are not for us to know and there is far too many possibilities out of our control. We're here for a such a short time and we can't make the most out of it by hiding in the dark like little rodents. Life's short and brutal and so we should go ahead and make all the noise we want. Being afraid of what might be lurking in the dark is a waste of time.

by Ruby96 2 weeks ago

I agree that the discovery of an intelligent alien species wouldn't necessarily be a good thing for Earth & all its inhabitants. However the reason why it's so quiet out there is much more likely to be due to the vast size of space (too big for us to truly comprehend even if we have a vague understanding of the numbers) & how miniscule the probability is that life could evolve on any given planet. I believe there is such a thing as alien life, but I think the chances are that humans will never encounter it.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

We have found aliens. They're just too small to cause much excitement.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

You don't understand how huge space is. We took glass of water from sea, examined it and concluded there are no whales in sea. Also radio waves lose alot of power in space and frequency range of search is also huge.

by watersjustina 2 weeks ago

You are assuming that aliens will have characteristics like the organisms on earth, where predation is essentially a consequence of needing to have access to food, but they may be much different than us because they would have evolved differently. Maybe they won't have the pressure to predate. Maybe they will be more like plants, in that they will be able to synthesize their own fuel, but also are mobile. Who knows? Plus, a civilization that is advanced enough to traverse through space may be evolved beyond the need for violence as well. We may be colonised even now, but may not know it.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

There is no reason to expect the universe to mimic the properties of a forrest though.

by Realistic-Ring 2 weeks ago

read the three-body problem series by ken liu (watch the netflix show after you've finished it). the second book, "the dark forest," is about exactly this and it's possibly my favorite piece of media ever made.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

"In space no one can hear you scream"

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Id rather they look for aliens than act like them. which is all they seem to ever do these days.

by Anabelle91 2 weeks ago

Valid tbh

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

My bathroom is quiet. Maybe I should go pee in the street.

by Serious_Train_2779 2 weeks ago

If we were on Alpha Centauri looking at the solar system, we would probably not be able to detect life on earth even though we were in the nearest star system looking and observing the target directly.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

We probably havent heard a fraction of the universe to say its quiet.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

..... You should watch The Body Problem

by Schneidertabith 2 weeks ago

With all the technologies emitting so much radio waves we're not quiet at all.

by Soledadkirlin 2 weeks ago

I think the dark forest theory says more about human nature than it does about alien life. We haven't even met aliens and we're already being racist like goddamn

by Reasonable_Edge_482 2 weeks ago

It's certainly a snappy saying, but I don't think it applies.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

The fundamental issue with all of these theories in ym eyes, is how theyre a) highly speculative b) constructed based upon our current level of technological capability (more advanced civilizations might know of our existance simply based on probability or any other metric that we generate a footprint in) and c) they all apply fundamentally human/earthly concepts to something that may very well be too different from us for these to apply.

by Brief-Foot 2 weeks ago

No it doesn't. Go to Puerto Rico, no predators at all and the forests are ridiculously quiet.

by Maddison33 2 weeks ago

Looking for them doesn't mean announcing our presence.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Nah. The odds of having alien life able to interact with us on a meaningful way are slim to none.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Dark forest theory is just a theory, it's much more likely we are the first, we are the aliens, the forerunners of the milky way but we don't know It yet because we're too busy looking for a sky daddy

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Have you done much walking through the forest? As a predator myself I have, the birds don't get quiet , they avoid a direct line of sight and signal your position to the other forest creatures. Squirrels too, they see you, scamper up a tree and start chirping.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Or the aliens simply haven't found us either yet.

by Regular-Present 2 weeks ago

Maybe the aliens view us as the, "ghetto" area, if you will. All the junk floating around, all the wars that area merely gang fights from their perspective. If someone from such a place tries to establish contact, it's ignored, due to lack of understanding, or to prioritize personal safety.

by Pasquale02 2 weeks ago

I think space is less like a forrest and more like a dessert.

by Marlinrohan 2 weeks ago

Applying human logic to everything else is silly. For all we know aliens from a planet 80lightyears away could have a similar saying where it could simply mean it's time for dinner. Hell they could say over the moon and literally mean going over the moon

by ytoy 2 weeks ago

woah, chilling

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Its a super fun sci-fi premise but that's all that is, doesn't really hold up as a genuine theory

by Fun-Season 2 weeks ago

This guy Tyranids

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Or we ARE the predators

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Facts, this is exactly what stephen hawking said before he died.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Hard to hear a song when space is so f big, your chances are you will hear whales in switzerland.

by Traditional-Web-353 2 weeks ago

Did you just read the Dark Forest?

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Or, it's quiet because noone's there

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

A forest is a forest, and space is space. Space is quiet because there's nothing out there (nearby, anyway).

by nrath 2 weeks ago

Any alien form that could establish first contact with us would be so advanced that we become probably the prey

by Fun_Alternative 2 weeks ago

Unlikely a super hostile civilization would reach that level of tech in the first place.

by Simonistracy 2 weeks ago

Wd probably don't see aliens because space is vast and we are limited by time. It's doubtful space travel will ever be scifi anyways.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Someone's been reading Three body problem, This is literally a line from book two lol.

by bernierkeegan 2 weeks ago

And if a desert is quiet, it means there's just very little there. Comparing the cosmos to a forest like this is nonsensical.

by Limp-Consequence 2 weeks ago

first of all, why did your title intrigue me and eat so hard like that? second, you're 100% right and i've said this for years in regards to ANY supernatural entity, especially ones we CANT see but animals for sure do.

by Ratkecalista 2 weeks ago

You watch too much scifi

by Ok-Future-7718 2 weeks ago

The universe is a dark forest, every civilisation is a hunter that sees fellow hunters as threats.

by Townekaelyn 2 weeks ago

That's technically one answer to Fermi paradox, but nah, definitely look for an alien, would be a fun documentary

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

This is a SUCH a dumb take. We should not look for aliens because they're not there period and it's a waste of time and money that could be used for human benefit.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

The problem with your argument is that it can be used to shutdown any and all types of pure science. Unless your definition of "human benefit" is pretty liberal and then looking for aliens would have human benefit as well. You never know what will be for human benefit in the long run. If human benefit is basically food and shelter etc you will have a stagnant culture that eventually gets wiped out by something….

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago