+19 Cooking/Home Economics classes should be mandatory for all students. amirite?

by Own_Explorer_780 2 weeks ago

I would say that we need a "Life Essentials" test that puts high school kids in simulations of real-world situations-i.e. cooking meals for themselves, doing laundry, and running a vacuum cleaner. Depending on how they do, they can be assigned relevant classes, and if they show mastery already, that's great-they don't have to waste time. Make it recurring so no one gets sloppy. Now, of course, allowances do need to be made for special situations, such as for disabilities (i.e. a paraplegic might need a different washer and dryer than his able-bodied counterpart) and for situations where the child cannot live on their own-usually, as a result of a severe disability (i.e. seizures), but for the average neurotypical kid, this would be an excellent system.

by Lomaschuppe 2 weeks ago

It was mandatory when I was in school but students didn't get a lot out of it. It's a skill that takes a long time to learn and they don't have the resources to get everyone to a decent level.

by Top_Revolution 2 weeks ago

Not like every student will take them seriously.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

I mean you could make this argument for any type of class

by Electronic_Let_2745 2 weeks ago

It was mandatory at my middle school, only they called it "life skills," I suppose to make it more palatable to the boys.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

it's mandatory in my school, even in elementary (g5-onwards)

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

OMG can you imagine the cost and liability. cooking equipment ain't cheap and if a kid stabs another kid with a knife Not saying you are wrong

by NoAssistance 2 weeks ago

My hs had a cooking/home ec class

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Then they should go to prison and where they'll have the next 10 years to learn 'life skills'

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Budgeting is one of the things they teach in Finance class at my school, although its still a heavily recommended elective

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

I didn't have a finance class at all! I did business studies which was probably closest but I remember more making dice out of paper to show quality than I do anything about budgeting it sucked!

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago