+42 Parents of misbehaving kids should be spanked in front of their child, amirite?

by Keeley62 3 weeks ago

You'd like that wouldn't you?

by Forestheaney 3 weeks ago

What went wrong is the parent has learned from social stigma against them when the kid needs to. Take the stigma away from public spankings again and then the kid will get a chance to learn. When I was a kid when kids acted up in church or anywhere in public, party/event their mother DRAGGED them off. You heard the kid/friend cry from some ass slappery. Came back real quiet (with snot sniffs) Moms don't hit ass that hard really. It's just the event itself that makes them cry so much. To have disappointed them so much they are driven to it, the shame of being dragged,etc.. More of an emotional wound and that's what teaches the kids. The physical part is just red cheeks. Sand on the beach sat on hurts worse.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago