+47 Conan's Hot Ones Episode Was Disappointing, amirite?

by ParticularAnalyst 1 week ago

It's definitely off-putting towards the end, I think of it as more "performance art" though, as pretentious as that sounds. If I wanted to watch conan eat food and make jokes, I'd watch his old Martha Stewart bits from when he was on NBC. I feel like the point of this was "I'm going to take over this show, put you on the hot seat, and be unhinged." There's a kind of immense talent in what he did, to go so far beyond the standard "Haha look at this celebrity swear and sweat while eating spicy wings." In that way, it was everything that makes Conan successful, going into an entertainment sector and taking everything 50% further than his contemporaries are willing to. (Also, his monologue about comedy from different eras is incredible given the context). That said, I dont really wanna see it again. I've watched the first half of the episode once more cause its funny, but once milk starts coming out of his mouth I get a little squeamish.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

constantly interrupting and talking over Sean), garish, and cringey attention-seeking ridiculousness That is absolutely typical of any remote ha has done on his own shows. That is his thing, you have to have noticed this.

by westmary 1 week ago

You're right, and I definitely have. I guess I liked it less in a one-on-one interview compared to a more informal remote.

by ParticularAnalyst 1 week ago