-43 An eighteen year old can legally adopt a 17 year old, amirite?

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

Yes, and it's sometimes used to get siblings out of situations with abusive parents, with the older sibling adopting the minor, giving them the power equivalent of a legal guardian in order to protect the minor.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

This. My good childhood friend at 19 legally adopted her now ex-husband's sister who was 16 at the time because of the home situation.

by AcademicArtichoke 4 weeks ago

I assume your friend was not another sibling of that sister if she married her brother.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

That is a correct assumption LOL

by AcademicArtichoke 4 weeks ago

I haven't seen sentences/questions that are that confusing to read in a while

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

This makes me feel like this world is a failure

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

Fair enough, because I think it is too.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

Fair enough, all hail

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

Humanity is the failed experiment, the rest of the world has some hope.

by Otherwise-Mind-402 4 weeks ago

The world isn't a failure, just most of humanity

by Traditional-Echo 4 weeks ago

Lmfao, why?

by Dazzling-Ad7355 4 weeks ago

I'm sorry you're the way that you are.

by erick36 4 weeks ago

Nah he's right. Bad things happen, doesn't make the entire world the failure. It's pretty arrogant to make broad statements like that while sitting behind a screen

by Amazing_Custard7010 4 weeks ago

The world is a failure because there are bad things that happen? That is so cynical and narrow-minded. There is no pure good. There is no pure evil. Saying our world is a failure because it has some parts that are bad is a chronically online thing to do. As you said: "I'm sorry you're the way that you are."

by Dazzling-Ad7355 4 weeks ago

You can legally adopt your own sibling? Wut

by AdQueasy 4 weeks ago

If your parents die it can be a way that the siblings aren't split up. Think of a Lilo&Stitch situation.

by QuickBrain7624 4 weeks ago

There's probably some kid who murdered his parents and adopted the siblings.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

Hm... I get that Nani is the legal guardian of Lilo but did she "adopt" her? Just asking for clarification on the nuances of this process I suppose

by AdQueasy 4 weeks ago

They would have to convince a judge. I can't think of any legal system that would actually approve such notion.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

Maybe a TV legal system. It sounds like a fun teen drama with comedic moments. I'd watch the first half of the first season before forgetting it was even a thing until it's brought up 15 years later when I find out its series finale is airing this week.

by cmosciski 4 weeks ago

Pretty sure this happened in "Buffy" after the titular character's mother died. She is occasionally referred to as the guardian of her minor-aged sister.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

In Buffy s5 when Joyce dies, Buffy is 19 and Dawn is 14.

by ziemannsuzanne 4 weeks ago

Maybe a drama about brothers/sisters who are orphaned and the younger brother has special needs. Or is injured and needs to be on their insurance.

by kyleframi 4 weeks ago

I can, but only a very narrow one. Say these two people are sisters and are fleeing parents who are obviously abusive. Maybe this 18yo has income so she "adopts" her still 17yo sister.

by Kundegilberto 4 weeks ago

This is the only real life scenario that I can imagine this taking place, but it would make more sense for the 17 year old to be emancipated instead of adopted

by Elisabeth51 4 weeks ago

Emancipation requires evidence of being able to sustain one's self, 17 year old might not be able to establish that if they're focusing on finishing hs

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

Evidence of abuse at home (assuming this was already the case in the above scenario) and plans to live with their 18yo sibling and maybe having a part time job should be sufficient

by Elisabeth51 4 weeks ago

I can see it maybe in a situation involving siblings. It would be a fringe of an edge case and the circumstances would have to be incredibly convoluted, but it could theoretically be possible.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

Siblings where the parents died and there are no other close kin to take them

by Negative_Fishing 4 weeks ago

Older sibling adopting a younger sibling

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

Orphaned responsible 18 year old aspiring mentally ill (whatever the serious cases are called) 17 yo sibling?

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

It's not even about that. By the time all of the procedure was done they'd already be 18. Complete waste of resources.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

This reminds me of the time I went on holiday with school friends when I was 17, my 18 year old friend had to be my guardian

by Alycia21 4 weeks ago

And was he a good father? Did he buy you a nice lil trinket and tuck you in?

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

I second that question

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

Heck, an 18 year old can adopt another 18 year old. I don't know if there's any rule that says the person you're adopting has to be younger than you, and they don't have to be a minor either. Before gay marriage was legal, a lot of couples ended up having one adopt the other, as a straightforward legal way to become each other's next of kin and gain hospital visitation rights and inheritance priority and things like that.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

Then there's Mukoyoshi, the centuries-old Japanese practice of adopting adults to carry on a family business if the owners have no biological sons. So, the adoptees would still be younger, but nonetheless full-grown men who were usually self-sufficient and happy enough with their birth family. Suzuki has done this for four generations.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

How is the adoption decided? Is this a promotion that Suzuki employees compete for? Or is the adopted adult a family friend of the CEO? Are there any Japanese reality show competitions about this? 90 Day Mukoyoshi?

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

I forget where I heard it from, but more than 50% of adoptions in Japan are like this. link

by Small-Ad4655 4 weeks ago

This is interesting I didn't know this.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

My cousin's friend was 15 when I was 18 and asked me to adopt her.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago


by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

I'll take that as a compliment

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

This one super-religious dude I went to college with ended up taking 3-4 foster children right out of college. The cynical-part of me thinks they took them on, because the state gives them a sum of money (each month) for each child. They've had multiple more foster children and continued to take them on until about 5 years ago. Evidently, there were rumors of him having sexually assaulted a couple of the girls they took on. The church he is a part of, pretty much, runs the city; so he has been able to avoid charges. I've had a few of the girls reach out to me to find things out about him.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

Wasn't this done already this month?

by Sea-Isopod-1153 4 weeks ago

Probably somewhere

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

Nice try Steven Tyler.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

No, at least in my country there has to be, if I remember correctly, minimum 5 year difference So 18 yo can adopt 13 yo max

by Life-Acanthisitta 4 weeks ago

Ok that's interesting

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

Not in my country, you need a 16 years dif. Or the proof of family liaisons (by blood or mariage).

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

Technically yes, realistically no

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

Happens quite often.

by Ok-Lifeguard 4 weeks ago

What's that? (And yes, I refuse to google it)

by Signal_Ad 4 weeks ago

I see; thanks

by Signal_Ad 4 weeks ago

It really is

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

(Not) fun fact: some girls have actually gave birth before reaching 10. The earliest one was around 4.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

It's definitely weird to have an adopted kid that's barely younger than you, & it seems like 1 of the factors in its weirdness is that that would be impossible with a biological kid, but it turns out the age difference can be really small with a biological kid too, just probably not quite as small.

by Reasonable_Talk 4 weeks ago

How small was the 4-year-old's baby? It must have been really small if it grew inside of a 4-year-old & the 4-year-old was able to give birth to it instead of having to get surgery.

by Reasonable_Talk 4 weeks ago

Yes, a brother can adopt is sibling

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

Yeah, weird, but similar adoptions have been used in the past to allow gay couples to "marry" before it was legal.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

When I was 18 I had custodial rights of a 15 y/o that was not my child. /shrug So, yep.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

In my country there should be 16 years of difference between adopter and adoptee

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

we can adopt our friends 🥱

by Glittering_Craft 4 weeks ago

I don't think so. 18 year olds still aren't allowed to do a lot of things and adoption agencies are very selective.

by Sad_Canary 4 weeks ago

Matt Gaetz would know.

by Makenna25 4 weeks ago

No, wait until your girlfriend is 18 then bang her.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

Guys there's another one here

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

No, actually, but you're allowed to believe what you want.

by edmundwuckert 4 weeks ago

So, what you're saying is that you're a statutory paedophile?

by Orlowisoky 4 weeks ago

What YOU'RE saying is that you think people adopt children to have sex with them.

by Fun_Pound_79 4 weeks ago

Wtf do you think adopting means????

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

I know what adopting means - so, now you want to suggest what ... that we should focus more on the incestuous aspect rather than the paedophilia?

by Orlowisoky 4 weeks ago

Man, you need to get a sense of humour - taking everything that seriously can't be good for your blood pressure. I think nothing of the sort ... but the fact that you immediately leapt to the idea that it was somehow porn related says a lot about you.

by Orlowisoky 4 weeks ago

Great comeback

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

What porn did you find in my profile?

by Orlowisoky 4 weeks ago

I'm starting to think you're projecting and might actually be a pedophile, we're gonna have to look into you a bit

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

We? As in what ... people who think watching videos on YouTube constitutes 'research'? I'm quaking in my boots :'''D Go ahead ... knock yourself out - there's nothing to find out. Your outrage is interesting though: leaping into the fray (on behalf of someone else altogether no less) ... what have you got to hide, eh?

by Orlowisoky 4 weeks ago

People who make jokes about pedophilia need to be called out and shamed. If you think that's interesting, you're a little too okay with Pedophilia which is telling

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

Nobody ... but a lot of people have got their panties in a bunch over it as a result ; ''' D

by Orlowisoky 4 weeks ago

Dude, you're the one who made this sexual, don't try to play it off and act all innocent about it

by Ferrylacey 4 weeks ago

You do realise that it's possible to talk about sex without there being a sexual motivation, yes? Or do you have so little control over your own libido that you can't imagine that?

by Orlowisoky 4 weeks ago

I'm sorry, but sexual attraction and "sexual motivation" are one and the same, are they not? YOU were the one who started spouting nonsense regarding paedophilia, and if you don't realise how those two not only correlate, but are practically one and the same, then you're just a braindead troll.

by Ferrylacey 4 weeks ago

They aren't actually, no ... and using the word 'correlate' doesn't make them so either.

by Orlowisoky 4 weeks ago

You're an idiot

by Character-Course 4 weeks ago

No one knows how to not feed the trolls anymore :/

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago