+28 Brushing your teeth in the morning is uncomfortable and inefficient when compared to brushing at night. amirite?

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Dentists husband here: your mouth does build plaque and bacteria overnight. This isn't an opinion you're literally wrong.

by Loberbrunner 1 month ago

That's just like... your opinion a fact, man

by Apprehensive-Put2918 1 month ago

What would your spouse say about OP only brushing once a day?

by Ok-Theme 1 month ago

She said two is better but one is better than none.

by Loberbrunner 1 month ago

Brush after you eat.

by Equivalent_Step8877 1 month ago

Its advisable to wait about half an hour after you eat. Otherwise you'll be brushing the sugars and other bits from your meal into your teeth, which bacteria will be very grateful for.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

I do because I usually clean the kitchen and get ready and brush right before I leave. Not brushing in the morning would make me feel so icky

by Equivalent_Step8877 1 month ago

And this is why floss exists

by Anonymous 1 month ago

that makes more sense. most people I know brush first thing in the morning though.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Anything preventative you can do to take care of your teeth is worth it because trying to fix a mouth that's been neglected is going to be definitely very expensive and probably painful. Brush and floss twice a day. Just do it so you don't have to spend thousands later in life on your teeth

by Equivalent_Step8877 1 month ago

Why not brush after eating breakfast? Also the bacteria in your mouth does have a chance to party at night in your open, sometimes dry, mouth.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Friend, you should brush in the morning AND at night. You should brush at night to clean off the plaque and residue built up on your teeth and gums throughout the day. You should brush in the morning primarily to take care of bad breath. Overnight as we sleep, the natural bacteria in our mouths reproduce and break down cells and saliva, which is why most people will wake up with bad breath in the morning ("morning breath") even if they brushed and flossed the night before. In other words… brush your teeth in the morning so you don't stink out everyone you come into contact with!

by Historical_Tie 1 month ago

Brushing your teeth takes two minutes

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Sorry bud, but you're not only wrong but disgusting too. You build up quite a bit of bacteria in your mouth over night. Especially if you mouth breathe. You should be doing a full brush twice a day along with flossing and tongue cleaning.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

If you're only brushing your teeth once a day, you're wrong.

by Ok-Theme 1 month ago

Thats why most people brush their teeth after breakfast before leaving, when they brush it in the morning!

by Tiny_Celebration3604 1 month ago